Solid Advice On How To Get Rid Of Sleep Apnea

If you are suffering from sleep apnea or a loved one is, learn as much as you can. The symptoms of sleep apnea should be taken seriously and should be discussed with your partner. Keep reading to find out more about sleep apnea.

A common reason that people have sleep apnea is due to the extra pounds on their bodies. So if you have sleep apnea, and you are overweight, then try to shed some of those extra pounds. There should be a weight loss plan in place that restricts calories. Exercising should be a part of this plan as well. Reducing carbohydrate intake can be an effective way to take off the pounds, according to some recent studies.

A mouth guard for use while you sleep can help you deal with sleep apnea, even if your airways are naturally narrow. These mouth guards correct airways and facilitate breathing. If this sounds like a solution worth pursuing, discuss the matter with your doctor and schedule a fitting for a guard of your own.

To help with your sleep apnea, you need to consult with your doctor about the best CPAP machine to use. You should take the size and potential to make noise into consideration. Certain CPAPs are tinier than bread boxes and are barely heard. The doctor would be able to guide you to the right one to use.

Sleep apnea afflicts children too. IF you have a child with sleep apnea you can tell through poor grades, irritability, or hostility. These symptoms can be similar to those of ADHD, so consult a doctor and consider both conditions.

Sleep apnea can benefit from a good diet that results in your losing weight. A lot of people are amazed at how a poor diet negatively affects sleep apnea. It has been shown through many studies that people who eat a poor diet usually suffer with worse sleep apnea than someone who is just overweight but manages to still eat somewhat healthier.

Lack of sleep will interfere with every aspect of your life, and may even pose a threat to your long-term health. Get a handle on your sleep apnea so you can get better sleep. Life is already hard and not getting enough sleep can mean more problems.

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